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Solidarity Walkout at KTH

Raquel Frescia -

Yesterday, at 1:30 p.m., an impactful scene unfolded at KTH Valhallavägen. Over a hundred students, disturbed by the ongoing human rights violations in Palestine, especially in Gaza, walked out of their lectures and gathered at Triangelparken to express their concerns.

In a display of solidarity with the people of Gaza, students at KTH participated in a silent walkout, waving Palestinian flags and illuminating the path with candles. The procession stretched from Triangelparken to KTH Entré. The initiative, led by Palestinagrupperna, saw similar gathering at other KTH campuses and universities.

Palestinagrupperna took to Instagram to articulate the motivation behind the walkout. Their statement highlighted the widespread despair among students and staff given the ongoing human rights violations in Palestine.

"Palestinagrupperna has members and followers all over the country who study or work in various higher-education institutions, who feel great despair over the appalling situation prevailing in Gaza. Many are also personally affected by having relatives and friends in Palestine.

Since Israel's bombing of Gaza began, so-called walkouts have been carried out in several countries, when students and staff at educational institutions leave the classrooms to show solidarity with Gaza. Palestinagrupperna has decided to organise the first walkout in Sweden on Tuesday, October 31, at 1:30 p.m.

This walkout is a gathering where candles will be lit, a common appeal will be read, and a minute's silence will be held. In some walkouts, participants will march from one location to another," the statement read.

Participants shared their perspectives, emphasising the human toll of Israel's attacks. Anas, a vocal participant, highlighted the staggering number of casualties and displacements, clarifying, "Our stance is not political; it is humanitarian."

Echoing this sentiment, another student, who chose to remain anonymous, called for governmental intervention, stressing the urgency of addressing war crimes and human rights violations.

Maria, another voice in the crowd, expressed the broader aim of the walkout – "We want to raise awareness. We want people to see us and ask why we are standing here, to go home and research what's happening so that they too can pressure our leaders to take action."

This walkout and those to follow are more than an interruption of the academic routine – they symbolise a collective plea for peace. The determination of KTH's community to advocate for humanitarian causes paints a picture of unity and empathy. The impact of these walkouts remains to be seen, but the resolve of the KTH community to stand for humanitarian causes sets a precedent for others to stand against injustices.

Publicerad: 2023-11-01

Ansvarig utgivare: Raquel Frescia
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